The two greatest graduates of Southern Illinois University finally team up.
Serengeti is the platonic ideal of art-rap.
Kenny Dennis, the missing link of Super Friends, the limbo facilitator, push-up counter, blessed with the swagger of a thousand Berengers. Don’t forget this is the the party MC of Perfecto lore. You think you know how to have a time, but you are not inhabiting the spirit of Kenny when he cuts loose off […]
Paul Thompson cooks brats and curses Shaq while listening to the new Serengeti record
Spring Mix – Has-Lo May 28, 2014
Has-Lo is hordeable, sportable, and totally affordable Spring is my favorite time of year. It’s not as hot as summer. Not as brutally cold as winter. Full of anticipation. Everything spreads out in front of us, waiting to be experienced. Once it got warm, you know school is coming to a close for the year. […]
Peter Holslin lives in a top-secret mountain hideout You know how, in some jazz performances, there’s a song where every member of the band gets to play a solo? The saxophonist will stand up, toot out some fancy lines, then he’ll sit down, and then the trumpeter will stand up, show off a little, sit […]
Sufjan Stevens and Serengeti and Son Lux make an album and scarcely anyone in the rap Internet makes a sound. I get that it’s been a busy month and this is too weird for people who are still dubious on Doom because he’s a little off-kilter. But Geti is probably the first of the breed […]
It’s hard to keep up with Serengeti. He’s dropped three or four projects this year to little or no promotion — all good to great — all proving that our most interesting artists are usually the most eccentric. I’ve said before that he’s the rap game, Andy Kauffman. No amount of Jerry Lawler or UFC […]
Serengeti never comes up on shortlists of the best rappers. It’s inaccurate but it’s obvious why. He’s a guy who doesn’t fit into any preexisting lane. His earliest inspiration was Doom, but rather than don a mask, he donned a mustache and fleshed out the Kenny Dennis alter-ego down to the last four minute mile. […]