Open Mike Eagle + Tragedy + Time = Dark Comedy | June 9, 2014 |
Respect Paul Thompson’s qualifiers “I keep remembering that the preview audiences, before the critics went, didn’t have anywhere near the amount of trouble understanding what the play was about; that didn’t happen until the critics told them that it was too difficult to understand.” – Edward Albee, 1964 “There are low expectations of people who […]
The Top 50 Albums of 2012 | December 24, 2012 |
The Top 50 Albums of 2012 (#50-26) | December 20, 2012 |
Jonah Bromwich is blaming everything on Jimmy Iovine. Danny Brown obviously deserves to be popular. He’s talented and has a performative personality that demands attention — which would be worthless if not backed by said talent. While everyone’s pleased that Brown is succeeding off merit, one of the nicest things about his rise has been […]