Which one of these is the greatest new rap song of modern times? Personally, I vote for Weekend at Bernie’s. It’s the Pee Wee Herman for the post-lyricism era. Come…choose life or death. Via Trey Kerby and Phat Friend.
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Sometimes we write long-winded pieces exhorting you to give Nicki Minaj a shot, other times we post old Ninjatune cartoons about pie and the citizens who love it. Hopefully your weekends looked something like this.
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Adult Swim: ATL Remix December 8, 2009
This will undoubtedly cause a lot of consternation in conservative corners of the web. Admittedly, there is a weird dissonance listening to Gucci Mane spit over Flying Lotus, Young Jeezy rhyme over El-P, and Shawty Lo over Prefuse 73. Granted, not all of this works, and on general principle, I refuse to enjoy anything involving […]
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  Denny’s, the diner chain of choice for those benighted locales that lack a better alternative (an IHOP, a Steak-N-Shake, a Taco Truck, readily available roadkill) has recently announced their new late night Rockstar Menu, featuring such indelible dishes as Hoobastank’s Hoobaburrito, Jewel’s Acoustic Roasted Chicken Quesadilla, Sum 41’s The Sumwich, Good Charlotte’s Band of […]
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  Following a spate of reports from several attendees at Thom Yorke’s recent solo set at the Echoplex last week, the Vatican has created a commission to investigate reports of celestial visions and miracles performed, including a Los Angeles native who claimed that Yorke’s celestial wail and boisterous dance moves miraculously cured his gout, rickets, […]
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The instant MOST PRIZED POSSESSION of my vinyl collection, acquired this weekend at the Lower Haight’s outstanding record shop, Groove Merchant (thanks to a heads-up from the always on-point O-Dub). You can have your random rap full of arcane regional signifiers, I’ll take mine with Darryl Strawberry 16s, and guest-spots from UTFO, Whistle, and a […]
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I don’t need to explain the Playboy Mansion. You’ve probably seen Girls Next Door, the E! Entertainment show that managed to successfully de-mystify the estate like the channel did Saved by the Bell, Puff Daddy, and Fabio. But despite the camera’s depiction of Heff as goofy and groping grandpa, with three ditzy but well-meaning Barbies, […]
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  Bonnie “Prince” Tyler’s resume includes stops at The Pyongyang Post-Dispatch, the Eritrea Times-Picayune, and the Bollywood Bugle. He can be reached in care of his Sydney-based second cousin.  WASHINGTON D.C.: Ever since I accepted the position of Political Reporter at the Passion of the Weiss, I’ve been holed up, hobnobbing with the country’s political […]
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  Last week reggaeton star, Daddy Yankee and Arizona Senator John McCain met to discuss immigration, education and a possible Yankee endorsement of the Republican candidate for president. While a transcript of the interview has not officially surfaced, my top-secret sources have thankfully provided the details of what transpired during Daddy Yankee and Granddaddy McCain’s […]
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Take That Chuck Norris. As you can see from his “Real American” video above, Hogan has the endorsement of the real JFK, not his younger, drunker brother and rest of the flotsam and jetsam that currently constitute the rest of the Kennedy clan. This displays Hogan’s ability to transcend the realm of the spirit and […]
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