For the newest installation of The Follow, Abe Beame speaks to Nathaniel Friedman about the mental benefits of Tweeting, why Kyrie is an inventive player, what makes good basketball writing and more.
Michael McKinney speaks to Jeff Mills prior to his performance at Primavera Sound L.A. about the importance of creating, science fiction, stylistic intersections and more.
David Ma speaks to Jamal Gray aka The Last Emperor about the making of and reflection on his cult classic, 2003's "Secret Wars 1."
Staley Sharples speaks to Mura Masa about moodboards, experimenting with sound, the Y2K aesthetic and much more.
Matthew Ritchie speaks to the Atlanta rapper/producer about pulling off the sequel to ‘Young Hot Ebony’, returning to his roots, and taking care of himself in the face of exterior pressure.
Jordan Ranft speaks to William Crooks about coming up on SoundCloud, the complexities surrounding "hyper-pop," how gardening may have made him a better artist and more.
The rising Baton Rouge rapper fresh off new projects in 'To A Dark Boy' and his 'Flashbacks' EP joins writer Louis Pavlakos to talk family, mortality, maintaining hope and more.
Jitwam has built a career upon folding idioms into each other, creating something that feels bracingly new along the way, Michael McKinney writes.
Ethan Herlock speaks to Jawnino about squat raves, subconscious references in his music, blending different styles together to make his own and more.
Sam Ribakoff speaks to the jazz drummer about the importance of performing live, finding Katalyst's unique sound, their new album for Jazz Is Dead and more.