Son Raw: Joker, Lone & Girl Unit take it to the max | May 17, 2012 |
Son Raw wrote a think-piece and killed three releases in one review. I don’t like writing about music as if it were fashion. Some people may find it to be a useful parallel but reducing the meaning of music to the same base level as the endless commercial cycles clothing manufacturers use to hawk their […]
Son Raw: The Revenge of the Night Slugs | April 24, 2012 |
Son Raw thinks this post would make a great shlock horror film. Radio rips usually don’t merit the full-post treatment here at PotW but then again, not every radio rip contains a new Girl Unit song released on Night Slugs, his first since his anthemic Wut nearly tore a hole in the space-time (‘ardkore) continuum. […]
Sach O: Girl Unit – Wut | October 28, 2010 |
Sach O had a really good joke lined up involving your mom’s “girl unit” but decided against it. Reinvention is inevitable: musical styles get swallowed whole by the passage of time and are spit up half-digested in wholly unique ways. Think of James Brown’s drums revamped as the backing for a thousand Hip-Hop classics or […]