Chris Daly will sign your autograph when he comes back from his tour. Gather round, old heads and young alike.  Here’s a very abridged history lesson for all all hip-hop fans. Kenny Parker, brother of KRS-ONE, unearthed some tapes of old KRS-One sessions and shared them on the Frozen Files radio show on EVR. Over […]
Chris Daly thought he saw a pirate ship. If I understand correctly, Pogo not only does it all the time, but he gets paid by the mouse himself to do so.  Hell, even Jonwayne Fucks Disney.  So it should come as no surprise that L. Pierre, aka Aidan Moffat, formerly of the Scottish indie rock […]
Chris Daly is seven years of bad luck. Late night and dusty is how I like my beats. You know this by now, mang. If you’re producing jawns appropriate for well past the midnight hour, odds are you have my ears’ full attention. That said, I’m not unwilling or unable to leave my comfort zone. […]
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You Got What I Eat October 9, 2013
Chris Daly would like a hot pocket. Every once in a great while, a group of talented individuals comes together for a combined, concerted effort that makes the world a better place. Julius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Crassus formed the First Triumvirate, which helped to shape Rome as it expanded its grip on the […]
Chris Daly doesn’t twerk, he boogies. I have to admit, it took me a minute to catch up on the latest Miley Cyrus “debacle.” First off, who knew MTV still had anything to do with videos, yet alone still hosted the VMAs? I thought you had to be an emotionally stunted, preggo teenager or a […]
Chris Daly stared at this cover for several hours prior to writing. Few young dance producers have seen as much artistic growth as Shigeto. From the ethereal float of “What We Held On To” to the astro-beats of “Full Circle,” the confessional dreaminess of “Lineage” to the production creativity of “BEATS 4 DILLA,” Zach Saginaw […]
Chris Daly appreciates the visual metaphor of this album cover. I could give two pox what this year’s “official song of the summer” is.  The further you get past your teens, the less the term has any meaning. At this stage in the game, while some of my peers might be listening to “classic rock […]
Chris Daly sees colors. I appreciate that in today’s fast paced world, the Interwebs provide any number of entertainment options for your viewing pleasure. Let’s face it, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to purvey every video wormhole that wends its way in your direction. I mean, for the love of Yeezus, you […]
Chris Daly is fluent in both Sith and Jedi. The casual music fan could be forgiven for not being too familiar with Journey to the West, the 2008 Chinese opera penned by Damon Albarn. While the stage show is allegedly the kung-fu equivalent of Cirque du Soleil, unless you were one of the fortunate few […]
Chris Daly is also a fan of the song, “Semi:Automatic Full Rap Metal Jacket.“ Jungle: sparse, almost minimal, beat production. A seemingly intimate knowledge of the naughty bits of late night funk. Cloudy synths shrouded in late night ennui. Ghostly vocals sung at 4:30 a.m. A decidedly non-croissant fetching vibe. While this concoction is recipe […]