Chris Daly go somepling somepling? Don’t mind if he does. It doesn’t always have to be about the re-invention of the wheel. Sometimes it’s just about perfecting an already smooth design. Sure, the guy who invented the first circular disk deserves the utmost kudos, but does the guy who figured out that inflating rubber tubes […]
Chris Daly defines quiet differently than you or I. Heavy is the head that wears the crown, or so I hear. When you’re the grand-nephew of jazz luminary Alice Coltrane (the wife of John Coltrane), and the de facto guru of the LA beat scene, people tend to expect a lot from you. Throw into […]
You don’t wanna’ hotbox with Chris Daly. Following a string of nearly incoherent gibberish, the first comprehensible words on The Gaslamp Killer’s Breakthrough are: “You understand what I’m trying to say?” That sums up his Brainfeeder LP debut pretty well. The work of an obviously febrile brain, the Los Angeles by way of San Diego […]
Chris Daly loves your body, Larry. Full disclosure, when I first stumbled across Biblo, I misread the track submission and thought it was the latest from Bibio, who, of course, is not to be confused with Bonobo, clearly proving that beatheads are an alliterative bunch. As luck would have it, the Gods of Weed and […]
Chris Daly’s traditionalism only manifests itself at Star Wars Reenactments. I recently saw a wanna-be meme on Tumblr trying to categorize the more esoteric branches of music. I believe the original author’s point was that this music, as well as hard to fully appreciate, was somehow unlistenable too. In the furthest reaches of this chart […]
Chris Daly is much more accurate on his second serve. Should we be worried about the state of De La Soul? First comes word that Plug 1 & 2 have launched the First Serve project, dropping a mysterious mixtape and a cartoon crazy video for their first single, “Must B the Music,” featuring a Deon […]
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By the time Chris Daly was 10, he was fluent in the language of 5th Century Tibetan street urchins. A decade ago, a young man was inspired by German street urchins with a penchant for beats. During their now legendary travels, the group found itself in Rome and made its way to the Vatican for […]
Chris Daly was high when he wrote this, so forgive him if it goes astray. Eight samurai and three people in suits with bicycles, one of which is a small child, interact on the porch of a pagoda. While you could be forgiven for thinking the previous sentence was either the set up for a […]
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Chris Daly wrote this post after taking several grams of Molly. What do Manchester and Rennes have in common? “If Swilkqa Night,” the latest joint joint by master maestros Mecca: 83 and Somepling (UK and France, respectively), is any indication, the answer lies with shared affinity for late night jams of the blunted disposition. Two […]
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Chris Daly struck that little chump out. As a rule of thumb, I’m not one for “Best Of” lists. First off, why does everyone post theirs in December? We still have a full month left, people. Secondly, most people feel they’re entirely subjective exercises in self-masturbation. Clearly, as a music blogger, my opinions are objectively […]