Grateful Dead-5.08.77 May 8, 2007
As Passion of the Weiss Chief Hippie Correspondent, Ace Cowboy points out at his Hidden Track hempfest, today is the 30th anniversary of the Grateful Dead’s 5/08/77 show at Cornell University, often regarded by Deadheads as the best show in the band’s 30 year existence. Picking the “best” Dead show is like picking out the […]
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Guest Who’s Back April 15, 2007
I imagine most of the people reading this have read Ian Cohen’s rarely updated Sexy Results blog at one time or another. And if you’re like me, you probably miss those halcyon days when Ian wasn’t taking over Hollywood and instead was focused on the infinitely less lucrative, but infinitely more valuable task of providing […]
Everyone Likes a Souvenir April 10, 2007
It’s baseball season so its high time that talk turned to souvenirs. After all, as the title of this post declares everyone likes souvenirs. Do you remember being 8-years old going to a game for the first time and wanting a souvenir? I certainly do. And if you hate Souvenir, you’re basically saying that you […]
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From day one, Red has understood something that Hunter S. Thompson once knew: he would always be a far more interesting character than anyone he was writing about. So when you listen to a Redman album, you don’t expect the character sketches of Ghostface, the faux-West Coast gangster mythologizing of the Game, the bleak prophecies […]
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There’s a moment on “The Overly Dramatic Truth,” the ninth track of El-P’s brilliant sophomore effort, I’ll Sleep When You’re Dead , when the Brooklyn-born Jaime Meline doesn’t sound like any of the writerly influences critics typically pigeon-hole him with. It doesn’t remind me of Philip K. Dick. Or George Orwell. Or Aldous Huxley. Or […]
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I blame Kanye West and his unprecedented success in climbing out from behind the boards to become America’s ten-times platinum darling, Time magazine cover boy and multiple Grammy Award winner. All this in spite of a torpid flow and mealy-mouthed voice stuck somewhere between Puffy and Ma$e. Now, Scott Storch, for instance, has deluded himself […]
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James Murphy is the David Eckstein of music. He’s an unassuming schlubby looking guy. The sort of dude you expect to see in line in front of you ordering a dozen Jelly donuts. He’s the kind of guy everyone calls the “backbone of a team.” Of course, by everyone, I just mean the Rapture. Meanwhile, […]
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Who needs jogging? The elliptical will get rid of that gut just fine, and you can read while using it. And isn’t multi-tasking supposed to be what separates us Gen Y-ers from the pack anyway? What I do need, however, is a more consistent outside jump shot. There’s a team of Israeli guys in my […]
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Last September, when I first saw Elvis Perkins’ live, his lyrical maturity, simple but finely-crafted acoustic melodies and compelling stage presence immediately impressed me. Unlike many folky singer/songwriters who churn out great studio albums but fail to bring the goods live, Elvis transcended the delicate and frail sound of his album, turning the soft-sounding cuts […]
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There’s only a handful of ways to describe Dalek’s Abandoned Language. Most of them involve some permutation of adjectives typically bringing to mind High School English teachers lecturing on Edgar Allen Poe. It’s bleak. It’s harrowing. It’s chilling. It’s dense, claustrophobic paranoia. Sadly though, Abandoned Language doesn’t have any ravens. Instead, we get the Newark-based […]
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