Deen loves you like a overweight adolescent adores pastry. For a guy that’s always seemed to “get it” – “it” being how to ransack the rap industry for all its worth, Fif doesn’t seem to get it anymore. The Lost Tape is YET ANOTHER collection of great 50 Cent songs that’ll probably get largely ignored […]
By Deen
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POSTED IN The El-P remix of Justin Bieber has caused me to squander valuable time deliberating which unlikely combination and sampled “Bitch” hook is superior. As this is the Internet, people will pretend that it is not a legitimate question, but it is. There is no way that a Too Short, E-40, and 50 Cent album […]
The platitude proclaims “be careful what you wish for. ” Admittedly, I rooted for Graduation over Curtis, myopically confident that Kanye’s win would usher in an era of creativity and comedy that had been lacking since the heyday of the Native Tongues. While the King of Louis luggage’s victory may have opened the floodgates for […]
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