Chris Daly is without question the greatest writer named Chris Daly ever to grace the pages of Passion of the Weiss. He was one of the first music bloggers ever to address Nigerian speed rap, an accolade which doesn't get him laid, even in Nigeria. Over the years, he has written for such varied outlets as this one, Odd Bloggings, Les Enfants Terribles, Rollo & Grady, Big Yawn, Jedi News and a really bitching piece on bed bugs for Hotel Management.
Daly claims to be the only PotW writer to have seen Tupac as a back-up dancer for Digital Underground, Heavy D. (when both he and all the Boyz still were alive and kicking), Slick Rick (before he went to jail) and the original 3 Feet High and Rising Tour. When not perfecting his beat boxing skills, he enjoys cosplaying his two kids in 80s B-Boy and B-Girl finery. Daly really hopes this blogging thing eventually pays off, as he is not looking forward to the chiropractic bills sure to arise from all the dookie chains he keeps heaping on his offspring.
Currently Listening:
D'Angelo and the Vanguard - Black Messiah
Steely Dan - Aja
Mecca: 83 - Ain't Done Too Bad
Two Syllables Volume 11
Currently Watching:
Star Wars Rebels
Adventure Time
Steven Universe
Regular Show
Agent Carter
Samurai Jack
Cowboy Bebop
Gravity Falls
Currently Reading:
Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon
Huck Finn's America: Mark Twain and the Era That Shaped His Masterpiece by Andrew Levy
Let's Go Crazy: Prince and the Making of Purple Rain by Alan Light
Hip Hop Family Tree 1975-1983 Gift Box Set by Ed Piskor
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller