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Lucas Foster rips up the road like the Daytona 500.
BBYGOYARD is from the future. He’s at his best when he’s spinning rap music through a digitized K-Hole trance, conjuring images of a blonde, inked up hologram rapping for an audience of clubgoers in a 4D simulation. When the seas dry into salt beds and forests light into sulphurous fires, this is what will be playing as we upload our souls into the cloud. His latest EP, Friday’s Loose Lips & Sharp Objects, is about as conventional as it gets for Lil Shannon, yet it’s most compelling moment is still “95IRONMAN,” which is essentially a house song with vocals moving up and down across and around the mix. This sounds like rap music for Berlin nightclubs and high fashion runways, and with an Ultra Music record deal, it probably will be soon enough.