“If you don’t know, check out the bass,” toasts JME on this mix from Joker and Swindle, honoring the third birthday of instrumental grime kings, Butterz. With the honorable Son Raw, somewhere in Southeast Asia, smoking spliffs and enjoying a long sabbatical from the madness of the Internet, there’s a void for fire alarm-frantic and futuristic music. Thankfully, this fits the bill. Joker returns to his roots to cook up some raw brain-squelching synthesizers. Swindle ensures that things stay funky and not too dissonant. Play this loud enough and you could get fired or at the very least elicit strange looks from everyone within several blocks. Butterz celebrate their birthday the only way they know how: by keeping things too rapid and aggressive to properly label. Three years deep, the crew still sounds like the future.
Mix below the jump.