The Parson Redheads-“Got It All”

The Parson Redheads make sunny day music. I noted this in my Stylus review for last year’s King Giraffe. It is now springtime in Los Angeles and everything is 85 degrees and radiant and glowing...
By    April 17, 2008


The Parson Redheads make sunny day music. I noted this in my Stylus review for last year’s King Giraffe. It is now springtime in Los Angeles and everything is 85 degrees and radiant and glowing and even dedicated cranks such as myself have trouble being unhappy in these moments. This is when the Parson Redheads make sense. The group have a new EP coming out called Owl and Timber. I assume this is an homage to their Oregon upbringing, because as a life-long Angeleno I can safely say that I have never seen any owls nor any timber (though I did once see Tiny Tim). If you live in LA, or really any place with sunshine, downloading “Got It All” and putting it on your iPod while walking around someplace nice is strongly endorsed. Carry on.

MP3: The Parson Redheads-“Got It All”

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