The Cool Kids once again come unmoored in time.
Will Hagle speaks with Chuck Inglish and Mikey Rocks about creating on your own terms, Chicago, and social media.
Mikey Rocks and Chuck Inglish put out solo efforts this year, but are the Cool Kids really finished?
Brad Beatson owns 88 Starter Jackets. Yesterday, Chuck Inglish tweeted a link to a brand new Cool Kids song. A short while later, Sir Michael Rocks dropped another. The raps take you back. There is referential flexing over their signature sound, with more cowbell. Fear not, they don’t wreak of nostalgia. Chuck has done a […]
Doc Zeus is 184 in blog years. In the Internet age, our fickle and cruel digital rulers have gotten us addicted to the ceaseless ooze of information. The maw must be fed, context is irrelevant and nothing matters beyond the fleeting moments of the Now. All is forgotten. Everything is disposable. Nihilism is our one […]
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