In the wake of her stunningly successful episode with 2 Chainz, Nancy Grace's producers green-lit an entire new season dedicated to rap music. We were able to obtain a sneak preview.
  This past week, I tried out Beats Music’s streaming platform because it’s a free trial and available and I enjoy both music and things that are free and available. At the end of the trial, I decided it wasn’t for me because I’d rather pick the music myself and arrange it rather than worry […]
You Got What I Eat October 9, 2013
Chris Daly would like a hot pocket. Every once in a great while, a group of talented individuals comes together for a combined, concerted effort that makes the world a better place. Julius Caesar, Pompeius Magnus and Marcus Crassus formed the First Triumvirate, which helped to shape Rome as it expanded its grip on the […]
When fans found out “Yeezus” was only ten tracks, they were devastated. They felt cheated. They wanted more. Luckily, we’ve been able to scour internet message boards and hard drives, high and low bandwidth, foreign and domestic, and we’ve found some “Yeezus” Loosies. — Brad Beatson A Man Needs a Lamp [Feat. Drake (Prod. by […]
According to the DEA, which is a label run by James Murphy: “Molly is a drug that is slang for “molecular”. In theory, “molly” is high purity MDMA powder. This form is increasing in popularity and availability (several readers have reported that MDMA powder is easier to get than pills in some parts of Canada.” […]
Trey Kerby ghost-wrote “Hot Cheetos & Takis” One of the most steadfast rules in the Internet music blogosphere handbook that we are all given the second we register a Blogspot, WordPress or Tumblr is that any crew composed of more than four rappers must be compared and contrasted to the Wu-Tang Clan. For whatever reason, […]
Hijacked by The What (Jeff Weiss, Son Raw, Doc Zeus, Alex Piyevski, Trey Kerby, Evan Nabavian, Jimmy Ness) 01 Real Magic [Ft. Ronald Reagan] Punctuated by samples of the late president in his later, more senile years, the clips still make more sense than most of Electronica’s tweets. The song answers once and for all […]
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This doesn’t match up to the rarefied highs of “Lemme Smang It,” but Turquoise Jeep swing this episode by the strength of their Power Gloves. With Lonely Island out of the game, Flynt Flossy and Co might be the best representatives we have to mock Flo Rida songs. In addition to a Ditka ‘stach, the […]